Soul n Spirit

Fishes could not dance

In response to The Object of My Dejection

Tell us about the object of your dejection — something you made, a masterpiece unfinished, or some sort of project that failed to meet your expectations. What did you learn from the experience? How would you do things differently next time?


With great pleasure I created a pond

Wanted tiny fishes to swim and dance

Silver and white were put with great care

My sons were thrilled, an event to share

Fishes were healthy, they loved the touch 

Artificial pond was better than an aquarium

It was a small one but ideal, so we felt

Food was in plenty, care was taken well

Days passed, the scary signals they sent

Lazy, silent, less movement, they shivered

One of them died and it was the end

Reason might be many, we were dejected

No more pets to be brought  I declared 

Feeling sad by the sudden demise of one out of six

I took out the rest of the fishes to leave them in the river

The project failed to meet our expectations, due to quiver

Never mind I told my sons, we again shall try with better research

Can’t resist myself to share these lines in addition

Presently Wordy is having an object of his dejection

An  masterpiece unfinished, the great magical grid

A project which failed to meet blogger’s expectations

Hope good sense prevails and we got our pingbacks 

Otherwise it would be the  end to an era of connection

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