

Yes, The famous Winston Churchill House is our den now ! As you all know by now that I have shifted recently and very proudly I want to share that we have been alloted the famous heritage bunglow called “THE RETREAT”.  History says Sir Winston Churchill as a young sub altern stayed in this house […]

FIVE PHOTOS FIVE STORIES: Garden Fresh Greens ! (Day 3)

You all must be aware of this challenge by now. I was so thrilled when Cee at Cee’s Photography Blog invited me to join for this challenge. On the same day Marilyn also asked me whether I would be interested in it. I said, ” Why not ?” It offers so much fun and creativity and […]


CEE’S BLACK AND WHITE PHOTO CHALLENGE:  SEATS Here is my entry for black and white seats. Enjoy 🙂 It is fun to capture my elder son since he never looks into camera and I am a crazy photographer love to click without any occasion. He is a camera shy and me, a camera lover !!! […]

Would you arrange ?

DAILY PROMPT:   YOU, ROBOT Congrats — you’ve been handed a robot whose sole job is to relieve you of one chore, job, or responsibility you particularly hate. What is it? We have to shift soon to a new house and what an ideal gift for my house warming party suggested by Word press here. […]