
Need to be conscious

Pause whatever you’re doing, and ask the person nearest you what they’re thinking about (call someone if you have to). Write a post based on it. My husband is out of station and so my elder son. Son no.2 is preparing for his debate competition to be held tomorrow in his school. So right now […]

Any Advice for Migraine? Suffering badly

It’s BAD !  Terribly bad ! Since day before yesterday I’m suffering from this acute pain of migraine. I’m in bad shape. As you all know it is a recurrent throbbing headache that typically affects one side of the head and is often accompanied by nausea and disturbed vision. Sorry friends for not liking or […]

No,Thanks: Who wants to come here?

When I was a child I was told about heaven and hell Good spirits go to heaven and hell is evil’s dwell I would have definitely chosen hell as a place They would throw me in hot oil , let me not chase But with age I understood the secret of life Heaven and hell both are […]

The Worst Thing In Life – You’ll Be Missed Robin Williams

Today my soul is not happy and my spirit is down I bid adieu to a noble soul who is not around Alas ! There is so much pain and grief all around Have we closed our eyes and shut our ears ? Stone hearted,aloof,obsessed and unmoved by tears This world need love,care and compassion […]