
Midweek Monochrome: Ellora Caves

I am a bit old-fashioned soul so you will find here a lot of old vintage charm in my selection of pictures for the photo challenges. Believe it or not, I get lost in the majestic appeal of old castles, forts, and palaces. I mean look at the art friends! The stone carving, the storytelling […]


My friend Marilyn wondered “How did October get over so soon?” She is not the only one who felt so. Many of us must have while looking at Becky’s post, reminded of the last week’s entries for past squares wrap-up. I even noticed the timer watch flashing in the post to make it more precise. […]


Blue is magic to the stressed eyes. Blue gives you hope, it shows you limitless possibilities as you look up to the sky. Your spirit uplifts and you start finding the reason to be happy and high. Blue is cool, stable and omnipresent. Blue is water, Blue is sky, it soothes our eyes and heart […]


I purchased two varieties of lilies from IKEA last week. One is red, the other one is yellow. Let’s see how many weeks these plants last because my experience with these hybrid indoor plants are not very pleasant. No matter how much care and precautions I take, they die all of a sudden one day, […]


Better late than never ! Before I miss the boat let me share few pics for the theme “Straight lines.” When I think about straight lines I cannot visualise anything other than bamboo. Having stayed in North East of India for good three years I have fallen in love with this species. It grows really […]


Orange and green are the two colours, considered very auspicious in Hindu mythology. Whether it is our food, temple décor, gods or festivals, we love to flaunt these colours in our day to day life. Green is the symbol of prosperity whereas orange, stands for spirituality, bravery, rich heritage, is also associated with Lord Hanuman. […]

FOTD : Orange hibiscus

These hibiscus look absolutely bright and gorgeous and look so happy in a sunny day ! Sunny days are best for them and especially after a whole week of generous showers it’s time to bloom now ! FOTD: 2nd October