
Why must we respect the Art and Artists

I saw an old lady with the wrinkled face Her thin, long fingers at work, holding the needle Weaving a pattern effortlessly, focused, quiet Doing embroidery she learnt from her mother Continue with the legacy of her ancestors I went close and asked the price of the finished product She smiled and said, “Pay me […]

Hard Work From Every Angle

For this week’s challenge, photograph a person, or a piece of fruit, or a toy — any stationary object — and experiment by photographing it from every angle. We all take pictures of something or someone by standing directly in front of our subject, clicking the shutter, and calling it a day. It’s often the […]

Who cares for Talent? All busy in Rat Race

So sad, there is no worth for a talented person,  all we want are workers, churning out presentations Corporates have huge targets. companies have to earn more profits, teachers have to give 100% result….. Children have to learn salsa, jazz, sports, music along with academics to become perfect set of kids….. Mothers have to achieve […]