
Four Gateways That Lead To The Indian History

These gateways saw it all! The royal precisions, the kings and their kin leading through the gateways, sitting in decorated palkis escorted by horses and elephant warriors. Observing the crowd, cheering and sprinkling flowers on the path as their chariots cross and proceed further. This incredible gate has a glorious past. Past of Princely states, […]


At times simple things presented artistically look more appealing to eyes. I had a similar experience of the fine dining restaurant in Chennai and this rich, aromatic, innovative yet traditional, artistically presented, well garnished culinary wonder, was the one out of their nine course south Indian menu. Well, well, before my senses totally get absorbed […]

2214 Bonanza

The year is 2214, and your computer’s dusty hard drive has just resurfaced at an antique store. Write a note to the curious buyer explaining what he or she will find there. Dear fortunate buyer, I believe you are the fortunate one to made up your mind to finally buy my dusty hard drive. It […]