
Take Charge of your life in the fastest way. 


Taking Charge of your life is one of the most fascinating journeys you may embark on. It’s only natural to feel lost at some point, especially when you have no control over external circumstances or as you approach certain milestones. You’re not alone. Everybody loses their way on the long life journey and feels they […]

The Path to Fulfilment: Unlocking True Happiness and Meaning in Your Life


The Path to Fulfilment is paved with self-discovery, embracing passions, and cultivating meaningful connections. It’s a journey where authenticity leads to lasting joy and purposeful living. We live, work, earn, eat, and sleep. Repeat the process. We become successful in our profession and achieve social status but somehow feel unhappy. Do you ever ask yourself […]

What is life meant to you

what is meant by life

Life is an intricate tapestry woven with threads of contrasting emotions and experiences. It is a delicate balance between love and hate, trust and betrayal, happiness and depression, selection and rejection. In the journey of life, one encounters moments of ambition driving towards success, yet sometimes finding solace in satisfaction amidst failures. It encompasses the […]

Reflection on Love and Relationship


I reflect on divine relationships in the tapestry of life.  It all starts when two souls intertwine.  Feeling a spark, skipping a beat, two hearts entwined Walking ahead in the journey of love and affection That’s all about soaking in a mutual connection A surge of emotions, basking in the warm embrace  Lost in a […]

Life in Shades Of Red

There I saw a young couple, falling in love I asked the girl which was her shade of red She said the rose gifted by her love And the boy liked the blush on his girlfriend’s cheek O yes, I thought red was all about roses and hearts I then asked the newly-wed couple their […]

Camping at Anantagiri Hills

Hello friends, You can be away for the time being but you can’t be gone forever. The love for writing inspires me to come back again every time I take a sabbatical from blogging. The river called life while moving continuously through the hills, forests, streams & valleys, at times goes underground & remains invisible […]


I constantly move to deserts and valleys Climbing mountains, passing from cities  Exploring the woods, meeting the locals  Learning tribal culture, enjoy their fests Having a bag full of memories to cherish  That don’t get faded with time, stay fresh  Love going back to the memory lane  Calling old friends, close they remain  The nostalgia […]


Yes, The famous Winston Churchill House is our den now ! As you all know by now that I have shifted recently and very proudly I want to share that we have been alloted the famous heritage bunglow called “THE RETREAT”.  History says Sir Winston Churchill as a young sub altern stayed in this house […]

Catching Lost Breath

After climbing so many stairs, I had to catch my breath ! This was early in the morning while I went for the weekly trek and couldn’t climb further without a short break. Huffing and puffing, I needed to drink water and of course it was time to click few pictures. I was having my […]