

  Now at this point of life I wonder at times that do dreams really get fulfilled?  If yes then right now I am sitting at the bank of the river and dreaming to float forever…,, Floating, I dream to enter the other continents..,,,, I dream of meeting those wonderful people living on other land […]

A Plot Of Earth: In my opinion

You’re given a plot of land and have the financial resources to do what you please. What’s the plan? Sounds like a dream ! Can’t believe it ! LAND being the most valuable non renewable natural resource, is itself so safe and best investment that I would just keep this plot for few years without […]

Zoom In Zoom Out !

Daily Prompt: You’ve just won $1 billion dollars in the local lottery. You do not have to pay tax on your winnings. How will you spend the money? Oh my God ! I have unlimited funds to splurge on luxuries I can buy, plan, afford all expensive things, just no savings It comes with one […]