

I constantly move to deserts and valleys Climbing mountains, passing from cities  Exploring the woods, meeting the locals  Learning tribal culture, enjoy their fests Having a bag full of memories to cherish  That don’t get faded with time, stay fresh  Love going back to the memory lane  Calling old friends, close they remain  The nostalgia […]

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: What’s this? 

Guess What’s this?  I am sure we are going to have lots of fun here. Without wasting time I am posting these pictures for you all to guess to identify the object. You never know I will be the first one to start the series! You have to identify the objects captured in the photos […]

Buddies Forever 

My both the sons are my best buddies.Who else? They make me laugh like  crazy, they wipe my tears, give me immense joy and moreover share their fears and secrets with me.  They both never dissappoint me when it comes to have fun. I feel young in their company. Tarun pampers them both whereas I […]

Victory of Traditions

Last week India celebrated one of its major festivals. Markets were flooded with mindblowing giftpacks. Right from chocolates, sweets, flowers, decorated diyas to studded statues of deities, bakery items, dry fruit baskets…..list is endless. You name it, was there packed artistically to lure customers. All of a sudden I started missing my childhood days when […]

Canines and Felines

I have many fellow bloggers and friends who have pets in their family. Or should I say their pets are their family. Are furry creatures their most prized possessions? No, as Martha said today in her post that canines and felines bring pride and joy to their humans. They are friends and family. Recently we went to […]


A Pulitzer-winning reporter is writing an in-depth piece — about you. What are the three questions you really hope she doesn’t ask you? I am alive……. Rarely do I feel not to share my feelings with my blogger friends…. So here I’m again to let you know what was happening in my life…. Was busy […]

The Young and The Rested: Hopefully Soon

I am injured, tired and fatigued. My right hand index finger is fractured.  It happened last Thursday and since then I could not move my plastered hand, my laptop was taken away by my husband so that I might not try to move my fingers as the doctor has advised me not to. I was […]

To Err is Human……Let Them Learn

Daily Prompt: Tell us about something you’ve done that you would advise a friend never to do. Firstly I never give advise unless someone asks for it.  Secondly Who cares? Will my friend listen to my advice? Won’t he/she want to learn her own lessons in life?  To err is human. It is a typical human […]

I Love My soul and my Spirit

Daily Prompt :Publish a post in the style of a favorite author/blogger or photographer. No need to do that. I have already mentioned it earlier, right? Neither this form of flattery is my cup of tea nor my friends/readers will like it. They visit my blog to feel my soul and spirit, they won’t like that’s […]