
Prince grew up as Buddha

As a kid what did I want to be when I grew up? Might be a kind, helpful and educated human being who can fulfill her small dreams in her life? It really doesn’t matter to me. I grew up listening to some famous stories of princes who later in their life moved towards enlightenment. […]

Artistic Patterns: Cee’s Black & White Photo

Here is my entry for Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Patterns These patterns are so artistic in nature and captivating. Bringing  straight from Ellora Caves for you all.  Created during a time of prosperity and revival of Hinduism, the Hindu caves represent an entirely different style of creative vision and skill than the Buddhist […]


ENDURANCE OF FAITH Endurance to me is one’s ability to resist, withstand or recover from, facing hardships, going through tough situations or stress. It may be seen in the context of an individual or its manifestation in the nature. Recently I visited Ellora Caves, a WORLD HERITAGE SITE in Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India, an archeological site […]