

Pink is colour of this week’s Sunday Stills Challenge and also this post is part of FOTD-22 Oct I liked this cute poem on pink colour by Marry, Merrily on Pinkalicious. Have a pinkful October ! Warm wishes, Soul.


Blue is magic to the stressed eyes. Blue gives you hope, it shows you limitless possibilities as you look up to the sky. Your spirit uplifts and you start finding the reason to be happy and high. Blue is cool, stable and omnipresent. Blue is water, Blue is sky, it soothes our eyes and heart […]


As a photographer, the right shot in the right light is something you always look for. The game of light may make or ruin your picture. The basic concepts of photography like aperture, shutter speed, exposure triangle , ISO all are inter connected to light only. When I see the seasoned photographers who are my […]

Nature in Squares

Being close to nature never goes out of fashion. So profound is the effect that we forget about all our worries and baggage we carry throughout our lives. Isn’t that instant connection with some spiritual force suddenly makes you conscious of your inner self? Fortunate are those who get a chance to enjoy nature’s lullaby. […]

CEE’S FOTD: Violet calendula

Calendula comes in different colours and shades but this purple calendula looks amazing. Packed with anti fungal and anti microbial properties, can prevent allergies and infections, loaded with anti inflammatory, inflammatory components, good to prevent heart disease and cancer. Best way to consume by making herbal tea by boiling the petals in water to consume […]

World Rivers Day

Today is world rivers day and on this occasion let’s take a pledge to conserve and protect these divine sources of water. Take care of them and we need to take small steps by not polluting them. Respect and take care of the aquatic life living thriving in it. If we only become conscious of […]


It is the beginning of shedding old and gearing up for new vibes. Something exciting is going to happen in life. Time to say goodbye to obsolete, out dated and withered beliefs and looking forward to new happenings, new ideologies, better ideas, productive collaborations and hopeful events. That’s what we learn from this cycle of […]