
Remove The Fog To Receive Light

Whenever I get lost my way in the fog of chaos My soul holds my hand and lead the path It is so easy to take the wrong route in absence of clarity Thank God my consious allows me to preserve my sanity ” Slow, steady progress will get you beyond the fog to see […]

Flowers and Philosophy of Life

It is the end of the season and my coleus is giving me hints. I am so charmed with these spikes having tiny blue and white flowers. They look so fragile yet pretty. Slowly the leaves will start fading and losing their bright twin colours. Today it was quite windy until afternoon. I had planned […]

Yearning To Live Again

There is an ecstasy about doing something goodIt’s palpable yet the harsh reality brings out the absurditiesTrying to indulge in worldly insinuations of materialismWhat you love most is your true heritage and splendourTo make living an art Those were the days, episode of creativity, I yearn to live again, I lost myself while searching for […]