

A picture is worth thousand words. True that ! At times you don’t want to describe your picture. Neither any mentions nor explanation required. Just the feel of the capture is good enough. Tried to include those in today’s squares. Enjoy and hope they give you some visual pleasures and gladden your soul n spirit. […]


Time is literally flying in 2021 and it’s almost gone ! We are already talking about Halloween and admiring the colours of Autumn. Surprisingly we are left with just three months of 2021. . Till few weeks back the world was focusing on ways to deal with the third wave of covid, hovering us like […]

FOTD : Veggies are about to come

The first flower of this season bloomed today and soon the plant will have a good amount of beans hanging on it. FOTD : October 1

World Rivers Day

Today is world rivers day and on this occasion let’s take a pledge to conserve and protect these divine sources of water. Take care of them and we need to take small steps by not polluting them. Respect and take care of the aquatic life living thriving in it. If we only become conscious of […]


At times simple things presented artistically look more appealing to eyes. I had a similar experience of the fine dining restaurant in Chennai and this rich, aromatic, innovative yet traditional, artistically presented, well garnished culinary wonder, was the one out of their nine course south Indian menu. Well, well, before my senses totally get absorbed […]


Whenever I am traveling I make sure that I don’t go to the famous and run of the mill spots rather I would like to explore the local markets, street bazars and especially the market which falls near the famous temples or historic places. The handicrafts, artifacts, garments and daily life commodities displays the cultural […]

Every Cloud Has A Silver Lining

Over the past few weeks, the world has become a very different place. Roads which were once teeming with traffic are clear as a bell and noticeably free of smog. Trains and buses once packed with commuters are now parked. The world has come to a standstill.Whatever our circumstances, it’s likely that we’re facing a […]