


I’m sure majority of countries in this world have a long list of sacrifices made by unsung heroes. The cost of freedom being enjoyed by us today is priceless. It increases our respect for war veterans many folds. Many of them were leading very comfortable and prosperous life. But they had bought pain to gift us the taste of freedom that we enjoy today . We must be grateful to them for their selfless services to their land and the sacrifices made in the process. FUN PHOTOS 052

Similarly, the sacrifices made by Indian soldiers to maintain the territorial integrity of our nation would not have been possible without hardships and against insurmountable odds. World wars under colonial rule were fought. Later as independent nation, Indo-China war, Indo-Pak wars and Kargil attack were testing times and they are alive today to share the glorious stories of the wars. The war veterans must be looked after well. 

The broken country, divided into two.

It is unfortunate that today they have to protest for their rights and do demonstrations to seek attentions of politicians who are busy making fortune and expanding their vote banks. They will only realize it the day enemy will knock at the door. By the time it will be too late. Many soldiers would’ve hanged their boots by then. Many more would’ve return their medals. It is shameful for a country where the war veterans have to remind them about their existence holding banners and shouting slogans.0

The War Cemetery in Kohima, India has the famous inscription, “When You Go Home, Tell Them Of Us And Say, For Your Tomorrow, We Gave Our Today”—The Kohima Epitaph is attributed to John Maxwell Edmonds and is thought to have been inspired by the epitaph of Simonides written by Simonides to honour the Spartans who fell at the Battle of Thermopylae in 480 BC.


The Kohima War Memorial is located in the center of Kohima city, capital of the Indian state of Nagaland, at the location where a decisive battle was won by the Allied Forces during the Second World War, forcing the Japanese army to retreat.1538653_10201394928223094_1430521623_n

In March 1944, the Japanese 15th Army attacked the British troops stationed in Kohima and Imphal in northeast India with intent to prevent an attack on Burma. In the first week of April, the Japanese attacked at Kohima and Imphal via Mizoram from the Indo-Burma border, to destroy the supply bases of the British. They laid siege on the Allied forces stationed at Kohima and also at Imphal.

Reaching Kohima during April 1944, the Japanese 15th Army occupied a strategic location on Garrison Hill and continually attacked a small contingent of the Commonwealth forces, which successfully held their ground until reinforcements were brought in. The war involved hand-to-hand fighting between the opposing forces, the Commonwealth forces prevailed over the Japanese forces and forced them to retreat in defeat resulted in heavy casualties on both sides. This was the turning point for the Allied forces. As told by locals to us, checked on wikipedia. RAMBAN CAMP 167

So many war memorials situated in many corners of our country remind us the stories of bravehearts who never blinked an eye while standing in front of death then why should the Prime Minister have to take so much time to announce OROP ? ( one rank one pension) It would be a perfect tribute for these real heroes of the country. Justice must be done at the first ray of next dawn.

This was my contribution on Veterans Day:  Serendipity Photo Prompt 2015 – 29



11 Responses

  1. It is a shame that the moment a war is over, everyone wants to just forget it … and the people who fought it. It seems to be the same everywhere. Veterans are ignored, forgotten. It’s good we have a few holidays that remind us! Beautiful post. Sometimes, I forget how long India had to fight for independence … and how hard it is to maintains those long borders. Thanks you!!

    1. Sad but true. It’s been a long fight between veterans and the govt. Future is dark. Politicians and bureaucrats are playing games.By the way It is 5 a.m. in India. What time is it there? Strange but true I have turned insomniac since Tarun has left. Spent whole night blogging…lol Serendipity is highly addictive !

  2. I don’t know what I can say, except what you did there, Politicians and bureaucrats are playing games while everyone is left to pay the price for it :-\

    1. Thanks for reciprocating in a very kind manner. It is a sensitive issue. A large section of society is looking up at govt. with hope. They must be happy & proud at the end of the day.

  3. I am always sad that people with all the gifts we are given, don’t use them wisely. I dislike war but will always respect those who face death and perform service for their countries. Sad to hear of your land’s troubles as it would be nice for us all to have Peace. Take care and blessings, Rashmi ♡

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