
Mercy on animals ! Stop the Stupid Old Dance !

Serendipity Photo Prompt: Stupid Old People

” Is your elephant ready for safari?” asked a restless old lady from the crowd of tourists. She was looking anxious and worried.

” I will go after an hour. That group is leaving shortly. You can join them for safari.” replied the mahout. 

The lady and his aged husband along with their relatives ran towards the elephant which was leaving shortly for safari.

” I have no space left as there are already more number of people sitting here. Normally four are allowed on one creature. I can’t accommodate any one” confirmed the mahout.

” How can you refuse us? We too have paid the money for safari. Make us sit or I will complain” threatened the lady. 

The mahout didn’t want to escalate the issue so he suggested, ” Okay, Two of you can come here with us and rest two can sit on the other elephant standing next to me. We both are going together.”

Faces have been cropped for obvious reasons 🙂

Four of them pushed, shoved and jostled others to make some space for themselves. Finally they fitted in comfortably making others uneasy. The children literally gave them dirty looks as if they wanted to convey,” How can old people show this kind of stupidity?”

Poor elephants were not at all pleased with the added burden. The moment they were in the middle of the forest the old couple started talking loudly. They took out their cameras and instructed each other on how to take pictures. Mohout told them to remain quiet while doing safari as wild birds/ animals would scare away if they would make noise.DSC05217

The couple was actually stupid and to me all of them were ! The way they were sitting on a docile mammal and shouting after spotting a rhino was nothing else but a stupid act. Didn’t they know the difference between a picnic and wildlife safari? They might be ignorant or uneducated.DSC05233I believe today’s young generation in India is more sensitive and caring towards animals. They are doing remarkable work when it comes to rehabilitate the animals. Old nomadic tribes were indulged in a cruel act to tame the monkeys and sloth bears to train them to dance on the beats of their pallet drum? Why did they train them? Probably to earn their livelihood. That’s what they learnt from their older lot.

Wasn’t it so stupid? Lack of education and apathy towards animals I believe.

Photo credits: Wildlife SOS

Recently I attended a presentation where the achievements of Wildlife SOS were being covered. I was impressed to see the selfless service they provided to save poor animals. An extract below can put some light on rescue of dancing beers.

According to the facts shown, “For over 400 years, the Sloth Bear had been a target for human exploitation. A nomadic tribe known as the Kalandars began ‘dancing’ sloth bears for the emperors during the Mughal era. Over centuries, as the kingdoms in India disappeared, the ‘dancing’ bear trade transitioned to become entertainment for villagers and tourists who paid to watch the bears jump in agony.”

As of 1996, our research indicated that there were more than 1200 ‘dancing’ bears scattered throughout the country. With cooperation from Government officials, and the help of our partner organizations International Animal Rescue, One Voice, Free The Bears, and others Wildlife SOS has been able to rescue and rehabilitate over 620 dancing bears. They are now living peacefully in four large natural sanctuaries across India, enjoying a life where they’ll never again have to endure such cruelty and pain.

Read more about this wonderful organisation Wildlife SOS which started as a small movement and within no time turned into a force of dedicated people.



21 Responses

  1. Such a well-thought post! It’s so wonderful to hear that young generation in India is more sensitive and caring towards animals. It really is an educational process…

  2. That old couple reminds me of my visit to Ranthambhore when several people on gypsy cars were reprimanded by rangers for making too much noise as they could have scared away or provoked the tigers. I think it’s ignorance, and to an extent, lack of education for some. I’m glad that more awareness about preserving nature and environment is being inculcated amongst the youth in India, hope it continues…

  3. I am very glad to hear that this is happening. Animals everywhere, on every continent have been slaughtered and abused and it breaks my heart. That India has become aware and is trying to change the old ways is very encouraging. It make my heart glad.

    1. Even we are happy & proud to have such kind & wonderful people who have dedicated their life to save flora and fauna. I was thinking about it and your prompt gave me platform to share it with the world. Keep inspiring.

  4. Reblogged this on SERENDIPITY and commented:
    I am so happy that awareness about stopping the mistreatment of animals is being widely encouraged in India. It is very heartening. This excellent post is good news for animals and their humans.

    1. Thank you for the feedback. I was moved to see the organisation working so selflessly. I was as it is planning to write this post when Marilyn came up with this unique topic.

  5. I’m so glad you wrote this piece. My Wife, Marilyn, has already reblogged this on SERENDIPITY. We shudder at the stupidity and insensivity of people of ALL ages towards animals. We have four dogs. The are the light, spirit and joy of our aging lives. We hope your voice is heard and shared by many people. Perhaps a few will be enlightened.

  6. I am so glad to have found your blog! And I’m thrilled to see awareness being raised on the plight so many animals face worldwide. Thank you so much for sharing this story and the Wildlife SOS information. I look forward to making my way through the rest of your blog!

    1. Please, You are welcomed here and I’m looking forward to your feedbacks and comments. That’s what I could do within my means. I ‘m in touch with people out there to extend my support.

  7. I have never been to India, but in another way Europe still has their travelling circuses. I sometimes wonder if the animals would not rather be free. Elefants in India were also used as a working craft earlier for shifting heavy trees and now are the tourist pasttime, although I can understand the value of an elephant to the people. Such tourists are insulting. Thanks for bringing this to our attention.

    1. These cruel practices are still in existence in absence of stringent rules in our country and with the corruption prevailing we cannot just blame the authorities to bring changes. If we start discouraging them by not using their services it will die its own death eventually. Ultimately it’s all for money.

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